Reiki Inspiration is a one man Reiki practice based in a small village on the outskirts of Truro.
I offer a warm and friendly environment where you can relax and enjoy a 60 minute Reiki session without the usual daily hustle and bustle. 

What some of our customers say
I have been visiting Mike for a couple of months for reiki treatment. I can't believe the difference in me. I am in less pain than I have been for as long as I remember and my stress and anxiety levels are reduced to nothing. Each week Mike deals with any on going issues and really does uplift my mood. My family love when I come to see him because they see the difference reiki and Mike has made to me, He is my magic man and I am eternally grateful to him


You have done a wonderful job with my Daughter ***** Thank you.


Hello Michael I just wanted to say thank you so much for what you have done I feel better in my self and my back feels ok anyway I am looking forward to our next meeting and thanks again


I have had three sessions of Reiki with Michael , I was feeling very stressed not sleeping very good full of aches and pains, just after the first session I felt more relaxed and had a wonderful nights sleep , by the end of the last session I was feeling refreshed and much more positive and very surprised that I never had as many aches and pains as I did before. And I seem to be sleeping much better . I'm definitely not as stressed as I was so thank you very much , i will be back for more .


Very sceptical to start with and then WOW! Felt so relaxed and stress free. After the treatment I felt weightless and like a;l y stress and worries had just floated away. I will definitely be returning for another treatment as the heat from the hands was immense and I didn't think it was possible but am now a believer. This treatment was amazing and Mike was very professional and calming


Had 2 sessions now and both have been amazing. Very relaxed and once treatment had ended I had no pain in my hips and didn't have to take my painkillers. Highly recommend Michael. The heat from his hands was out of this world.


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